Henry county court case search. Henry County Court Records Online.

Henry county court case search Create an Account. Access online court records, docket searches, and case lookups. Circuit Court - A court of record, Felony criminal cases, grand jury consideration, civil actions $25,000 & over, worker compensation, personal injury, wrongful death, and jury trials. Jun 11, 2006 · Search court records for the Henry County Superior Courts by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. The Court of Appeals is made up of 1 chief judge and 8 judges. Mail. **NOW AVAILABLE - ONLINE INDEX BOOKS FROM 1822 - 1939** ** WHEN SEARCHING INDEX BOOKS FROM 1822 - 1939 (USE SEARCH BY ONLINE INDEX BOOKS)** Guest Users: If you don’t want to create an account at this time Find your court case information using free lookup and search tools provided by the county. Visit the Henry County case search option. Search for Henry County, IL court cases. us. Divisions. Below is a directory of court locations in Henry County. The staff can guide you through the Henry County, GA. Additionally, the court has exclusive jurisdiction over all felony, divorce, title to land, and equity cases. us/magistratesearch/ and/or call the clerk's office . Originally formed from Lillard (now Lafayette) County, Henry County was named after Lillard (now Lafayette) County. ga. Judge Stephen Knights Jr. Cancel Save Court Division: Year: Case Number: ** You must know the court case number in order to search by case. Clerk of Superior Court ; E-Services; Civil E-Filing. Explore court calendars for Superior Court judges. Clerk of Superior Court . Chief Judge Vincent Lotti; Judge Chaundra Lewis; Judge Ralph Bailey Jr. Cost Schedule - Civil. Index Number CV LT TS - - / BX HA KI NY QU RH RI Nov 1, 2007 · Search Civil case records for Henry County Superior Courts - access online court records for Civil case records, get updates, download documents and more. In 2017, a total of 170 juvenile cases were reported for every 100,000 people age 10 to adulthood in the jurisdiction of Henry County. Criminal Court Records Search. DO NOT Include Suffix. 5 per 100,000 residents. Trellis. Notice The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Box 7 Collinsville, VA 24078 Phone: 276-634-4600 Physical Address 3300 Kings Mountain Road Martinsville, VA 24112 Phone: 276-634-4600 Henry County Court Cases. Established in 1821, Henry County originated from Indian lands. Record Restrictions (Expungement) Finance Division. Harris, Henry County Tax Commissioner, represented by Hutchins Bradley, against Any And All Known Or Unknown Persons Who Claim Any Interest In And To The Subject Property, Resident Tenant Occupant, State Of Georgia, Nellie Lourene Ponder, As Temporary Administrator For The Estate Of Ella Florence Davis, and Llot: 130 Ldist: 11, in the jurisdiction The Office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Henry County, Georgia plays a pivotal role in managing and administering various aspects of civil records within its jurisdiction. With a crime rate of 3,649 per 100,000 population, the county serves as an excellent illustration of the importance of having an effective legal system. Of that total, 71% of those proceedings were delinquencies which equaled 120 court cases. Clerk of Superior Court ; E-Services. Required Documents for Service SEARCHING FOR YOUR CASE. Click here to search the HCSO Inmate database for individuals in custody. Efficient Administration The Clerk's office has a positive reputation throughout the 24th Judicial District for its integrity, accuracy and ability to execute the Henry County Court Cases. Year: * Case Number: * × Close test. Cases may be searched by locality using name, case number, or hearing date. The county, with a crime rate of 1996 per 100,000 people, is a shining illustration of the importance of having an effective 501-600 (out of 10000) court records for Henry County Superior Court, GA. Inquire at the specific courthouse where the case was heard. Sullivan Judicial Center 2200 N. Find your Henry County, Ohio court case online. Court Code . Requesting Older Court Records 15-35 years old: Request records from the State Records Center by submitting this form to state. Apr 10, 2020 · After a management system overhaul, court records can once again be searched online, providing a quick and convenient way to access records and conduct land and background searches. Jul 12, 2024 · Family Case Search - Henry County Circuit Courts Population 48,935 Website https://www. " As of July 1, 2007, there is one chief justice and 6 justices in the Supreme Court. Henry County Court Records Search. It allows the public to search for individuals in custody, know their criminal charges, and bond information. The county was named after Patrick Henry (1736–99), Revolutionary War-era legislator and U. Mailing Address P. Court Division . Jan 1, 2024 · The Clerk of Court is custodian of a large volume and variety of records. Henry County Courts. Public court records are available for online viewing at no cost. Search Henry County Superior Court civil and criminal case records online. gov County Seat New Castle Phone Number (765) 529-4304 Court Records: Free Online Search for Digital Copies. Search public court records from Henry County Court in Indiana online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. eFiling. The county's developing legal system is reflected in the over 4790 cases that the Henry County court system processes each year. OES is the administrative office for Virginia's Court System. E-Mail: General Information: henry@sos. All other local court rules are adopted without Supreme Court approval. All of the above fields are required to complete the search! The Henry County Public Records presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. This website is AudioEye enabled and is being optimized for accessibility. gov or 1-800-831-1396, Monday - Friday 7 AM - 5 PM except holidays. Find Henry County court cases online using free lookup tools provided by the county. Staff and Contact Information. Official Sources for Henry County Court Records. Required Documents for Starting a Case. com Text Rickey: 334-790-1729 Users must read and accept the following Terms and Conditions before using the MCRO application to access Minnesota district court records: 1. Civil Court Records Search. About the County: Henry County, Indiana was first established on December 31, 1821. Tirio McHenry County Clerk 667 Ware Rd, Suite 107 Woodstock, IL 60098 815-334-4242. Henry County Superior Court Case Search. Napoleon Municipal Court 1819 Oakwood Avenue P. You may be able to find the information you’re looking for without contacting our office The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Please choose your search criteria on the left menu. Search online Family court records for free in Henry County Virginia Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Filing for a Legitimation. Search public court records from Henry County Court in Virginia online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. You'll locate Civil, Judgment Liens, Criminal, and Domestic Relations matters such as divorce and dissolution, cases in the legal office. See links in the left column for information about court programs for parents, informational brochures, and answers to frequently asked questions about divorce, custody, parenting, support, domestic violence, juvenile issues, and traffic violations. These court records include criminal felony and misdemeanor cases, civil, family, Probate and Small Claims proceedings, Juvenile cases and traffic citations. Circuit court judges hear civil and criminal cases and appeals of decisions from Juvenile, Municipal Case Number; To request regular or certified copies please email staterecordsrequest@co. Search driving records by ticket or license number. CountyOffice. While Henry County processes around 224 violent crime cases each year as well as numerous other case types, the county's violent crime rate remains concerning at 467. Law simplifying state trial courts. rickey@rickeystokesnews. Search for attorneys using either name or bar number with this application. The county was named after Patrick Henry, attorney, orator, and founding father, and was originally formed from Delaware New Purchase. Check the Status of my Case. The information available on Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) is provided as a service and is not the official court case record. At least 10 minutes before your court proceeding is to start, click on the link below for the judge presiding over your case. All online access to court records is governed under the provisions set forth in Florida AOSC 16-107. I am Jennifer Ashworth, Clerk of Henry County. Clear Circuit Court - A court of record, Felony criminal cases, grand jury consideration, civil actions $25,000 & over, worker compensation, personal injury, wrongful death, and jury trials. If you experience problems with opening documents on your device, Click Here for troubleshooting the Safari settings to allow pop-ups. The county was named after Patrick Henry (1736–1799), Revolutionary War-era Lookup Henry county court records in VA with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Resources for the Henry County Magistrate Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Henry County, Georgia, and resources applicable to all courts in Georgia. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. Its responsibilities encompass a spectrum of tasks including but not limited to the intake, processing, archival, and retrieval of civil records. The Henry County Public Records presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. Georgia Legal Aid. LOWER COURT CASE NUMBER: 2013-KP-1163 QPReport taxes, penalties, interest, and costs. gov The Court furthermore assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of information retrieved from this site. Lookup Property Cases, Access Case Online, Find Docket Information, View Case Summary, Check Case Status, Download Court Documents, & More. Individuals seeking Henry County court records may: Visit the Henry Circuit Court Clerk's Office located at: Henry County Circuit Court Clerk 101 West Washington Street, #100 Paris, TN 38242 Phone: (731) 642-0461. Pleasant, IA 52641 Phone: 319-385-2632 Fax: 319-385-4144 Case Scheduling Feb 29, 2024 · Access court records for Henry County District Court, IA. O. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Use the format: YYYY-SEQCD where YYYY is the year, SEQ is the sequence number and CD is the court Code. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. The Iowa Judicial Branch is composed of a supreme court, a court of appeals, and a unified trial court known as the "Iowa District Court. Foreign Subpoenas. They also often have user-friendly interfaces that are more convenient for users. UNOFFICIAL COURT CASE RECORDS. Superior Courts in Henry County Welcome to the Henry County Clerk of Courts web page. For online access, the Alabama Judicial System’s website offers a case search tool known as AlaCourt, which, for a fee, allows users to search for trial court records, including civil, criminal, and traffic cases. S. henrycounty. in. Find a Case in Superior Court. We are not affiliated with any of these sources. The county's Magistrate Court and Municipal Courts handle certain criminal and civil cases. Filing for a Divorce. Cancel Save Henry County Court Cases. Find information about Henry County Courts. Postal address: 100 West Franklin Clinton, MO 64735 . Learn about the Henry County Magistrate Court. For example: When searching by case number, you can search using the sequence number listed in the appeal. Jan 7, 2023 · It is our ultimate goal to have all of our Real Estate records from 1822 to current on-line, so that you can do a complete title search. Dispossessory / Eviction It is the goal of Henry County Juvenile Court to provide concepts to strengthen and build the family unit in an order to overcome the adversities trying to undermine the family today. Seminary Ave Rooms 136 & 353 Woodstock, IL 60098 May 22, 2023 · On May 22, 2023 a case was filed by Michael C. org is an independent organization that gathers Court Records and other information from various Henry County government and non-government sources. Visit Judici where participating courts are making their data available over the internet. Cost Schedule - Criminal. For TIPS on navigating Search ARCourts,Click Here. The Mission of the Henry County DUI/Drug Court is to enhance public safety and promote Court Records Search. Jan 12, 2021 · Access court records for Henry County Circuit Court, VA. In Henry County, the Circuit Court Clerk manages the Circuit Court office, General Sessions and the Juvenile Court Clerk's offices, with the assistance of nine deputy court clerks. Henry County Court Cases. Henry County Circuit Court Website: Some counties offer online databases or portals. Case Management Docket Search. Additionally, businesses and companies have the ability to conduct Case Number: Enter case number, leading zero's not required (ex. The Clerk of Court as an officer of the Hendry County Court System is responsible for maintaining court records with the utmost care and security. Get municipal court records for Hampton, McDonough, and Stockbridge. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this Henry County Clerk of Courts: Party Name; Case Number; Associated Party Find information about State Court. View information about the Henry County Family Court, which combines the Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations and Juvenile Divisions. co. '23TR1' → '2023TR000001') Ticket Number: Enter ticket number exactly as it appears on your ticket; Name: Runs a "starts with" search for a name, typing the name in this format: Last Name, First Name; This search only includes cases that are publicly available To find court records in Henry County, Alabama, you can utilize both online and offline methods. Joseph J. Find your Henry County court case online using the free lookup tools provided by the county. May 16, 2024 · Appeals Access case records for Henry County Superior Courts - access online court records for Appeals case records, get updates, download documents and more. You can submit an open records request for other county records. PageAssist Discover your personalization options Discover your personalization options County Records County Office Series Date Span; Henry: Clerk: Circuit Court-Case Files-Disposed, Index: 1800s: Henry: Clerk: County Court-Record (including county More than 1,790 cases are handled by the Henry County court system each year, which is a sign of the county's developing legal system. The Henry County Probate Court building at 99 Sims Street, McDonough, Georgia 30253 houses the Probate Court Records Room, which is open to the public for research. E-Certification. Henry County Court Cases Henry County, Georgia was established in 1821, the county name originated from Creek Cession of 1821. The county has a reported population of 32330 and consists of 562 Lookup Henry county court records in KY with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Search Case: Example: 2025-9999CD. The Henry County courthouse resides in the county seat city of Clinton. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the Georgia court system. Lookup Henry county court records in AL with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. com Text Rickey: 334-790-1729 Traditionally, Henry County has had one judge overseeing all four divisions, while most other counties have had two or more judges in their common pleas courts. You can search the Public Case History database using one of four items: (1) the Case Number of the appeal, (2) the Case Style, (3) the first or last name of a party to an appeal; or (4) an organization. A user id and password is required. mo. The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Minimum of 2 letters. Clear Superior Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction. McHenry County Circuit Court Clerk Michael J. In the Legal Divsion, the Clerk of Courts is the "keeper of the record" for the Henry County Common Pleas Court and the 3rd District Court of Appeals. We welcome your use of this informational system. Archives. You’ll be redirected to the provider’s website and must have an account to search court records. Judge James Cosby 3 days ago · The phone number for Henry County Magistrate Court is 770-288-7700 and the fax number is 770-288-7722. Court records are documents filed during court cases. General Sessions Court Judge. Keefe McHenry County Circuit Court Clerk Michael J. 100 East Washington, Ste. I have served the citizens of Henry County since 1989, first as a Deputy Clerk and now as Clerk since January 1, 2016. Courthouse Resources: Henry County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office: Visit in person for a comprehensive search. The court record summaries viewed here are all public records under Illinois law and are provided as a public service. The court hears all felony criminal cases prosecuted by the Office of the District Attorney, all civil actions, and all appeals from lower courts of the circuit. Feb 5, 2025 · He also has Circuit-Civil with 3 cases for Negligence Motor Vehicle, District Civil Appeal, Appeal From SM. Process Servers. Sep 3, 2024 · Family Access case records for Henry County Superior Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get updates, download documents and more. Change of Address. County Court Records Harris County Court - Civil Only; District Court Records Harris County District Clerk - Civil, Criminal, and Family; Justice of the Peace Records This database is offered by the HCSO as a service to the public and members of the Henry County justice system. Welcome to the McHenry County Circuit Clerk’s Public Access Portal for online access to public court records from the 22 nd Judicial Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. The Tennessee Courts Self Help Center provides self-help information for many areas of the law including family law, trial and criminal court, expungements, estate and probate, small claims, traffic, and city ordinance issues. Family Law Nov 29, 2023 · Criminal Access case records for Henry County Circuit Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. CIVIL e-Filing. Katherine M. Access Judicial Records Online. Using these resources, users can search for court records using names, dates, locations, and case numbers. Feb 20, 2025 · DOTHAN: These court cases are scheduled in the 20th Judicial Circuit in Houston and Henry County Alabama: Note: Juvenile court doesn’t have Public Records. Search. Civil & Domestic Forms and Documents. Henry County Superior Court Case Records. Clerk of Court. It hears all civil actions and appeals from the lower courts. Trellis helps you find cases in Henry County, Missouri ©2024 Clayton County Government 112 Smith Street| Jonesboro, GA 30236. Use our Civil Court Records Search to easily locate court records by name or record number. Judge Vicki S. The County sold the home for $40,000, and, consistent with a and costs, is a fine within the meaning of the Eighth Amendment? LOWER COURT CASE NUMBER: 20-3730 QPReport Local Civil Courts ONLY Enter at least the index number and year to find results, or select case type and court type for an exact match. File a Statement of Claim Answer A Claim. Snyder General Sessions Court Judge, Henry County Education h4 {text-transform:none;} General District Courts Informational Pamphlet CLERK OF COURT Clerk's Office Hours 8:30AM - 4:30PM PHONE (276) 634-4815 FAX (276) 634-4825 Henry General District Court | Virginia Court System Any claim under $15,000. Looking for public records in Henry County, IL? Quickly search government records from 71 official databases. Box 502 Napoleon, Ohio 43545 Find a Court Case. For Superior Court, State Court, Magistrate Court, and Probate Court Estate cases, click on Tyler Odyssey Portal. Dockets, calendars, and other information about This information is made available for public use by the Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Feb 4, 2025 · He also has District-Criminal with 12 cases Possess/Receipt Control Subs X 7, Rec Stolen Prop 1st, Possess Marijuana 2nd X 2, Trafficking X 2. Search online Probate court records for free in Henry County Virginia Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. The Mission of the Henry County DUI/Drug Court is to enhance public safety and promote Court Records in Henry County (Georgia) Find essential court records and services in Henry County, GA. Case Number Associated Party To request regular or certified copies please email superiorcourtcivil@co. Public access to court records in Henry Circuit Court - Henry County Courthouse, Henry County Virginia Court, Virginia. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. Appling State: Henry Superior: Rabun Superior: Contact the clerk of court in the county where the case was filed: Court Directory | Iowa Judicial Branch (iowacourts. All names must be entered by Last Name followed by First Name. com provides access to Henry County, IL court information and services. Civil Filing Fee Calculation; Deed Calculation; Secure Remote Access to Land Records Clerk of Superior Court . Locating Records. Filing for a Name Change Henry County, GA. I have lived in this great county my entire life. Starting January 1, 2005, the divisions will be separated into general-probate and domestic relations-juvenile. : Henry County Circuit Court (Main Courthouse) 307 West Center Street Cambridge, IL 61238 Phone: (309) 937-3572. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Henry County: Is a state constitutional officer elected by the citizens of Henry County for a four-year term. Court Services. Record search requests can also be faxed to 309-937-3990. Henry County's court system consists of the Circuit Court, Administrative Adjudication, and Court of Claims. The Circuit Court handles the bulk of Henry County court cases. HENRY COUNTY: HONORABLE HENRY COUNTY DISTRICT-CRIMINAL COURT JUDGE SPENCER W DANZEY: Has Child Support with 3 cases for Contempt/Rule NISI, Intr Acy Under Uifsa and Contempt/Rule NISI. Common case types include traffic citations, misdemeanor criminal cases, small claims civil court actions $24,999 and under, orders of protection, detainer warrants, and preliminary hearings. A case search can provide misdemeanor cases, felony cases, traffic violations, family court records, divorce records, custody disputes, court sentences, probation, incarcerations, civil rights violations, sexual harassment complaints, discrimination complaints, business lawsuits, criminal history, criminal records, and background check information. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. About the County: Henry County, Ohio is a county that was founded on April 1, 1820, and orginally formed from Shelby County. The Henry County Circuit Court Clerk's office is located on the 2nd floor of the Henry County Court House and is the clerical administrator to the following courts: Circuit Court - Circuit Courts are courts of general jurisdiction in Tennessee. 00. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. The Henry County Superior Court is a broad trial jurisdiction court. We are the custodian of all court records (for more information on these records please visit the Courts page) and all other records having to do with land ownership such as deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, etc. Jul 18, 2022 · Probate Access case records for Henry County Superior Courts - access online court records for Probate case records, get updates, download documents and more. About the County: Henry County, Kentucky was established in 1798, and originally formed from Shelby County. Pay Criminal Cases and Traffic Tickets in a Circuit Court; Fee Calculators. Mar 3, 2025 · Attorneys and Judges can use Courtlook to search across all Judici counties, and access case file documents and judge docket notes via personalized case lists/dockets. The Mission of the Henry County DUI/Drug Court is to enhance public safety and promote healthier lifestyles for substance abusing repeat offenders. Family Law Feb 13, 2025 · DOTHAN: These court cases are scheduled in the 20th Judicial Circuit in Houston and Henry County Alabama: Note: Juvenile court doesn’t have Public Records. Nov 14, 2017 · Search Henry County Property Court Records for Free. Cost Schedule - Criminal Search By Case Number. If you are not sure who your judge is, call the Henry County Circuit Clerk's office at (309) 937-3572. Link to page; DUI / Drug Court. Citizens can search land and real estate web search records that date back as far as 1822. gov Webmaster: Kelly Marriott henry@sos. Search online Civil Right court records for free in Henry County Virginia Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Telephone: 660-885-7200 . henry. The County Clerk & District Clerk court records search allows you to search for criminal court case records in Bexar It is the mission of the Circuit Clerk’s Office to serve the citizens of Henry County and the participants of the judiciary system in a timely manner with courtesy, efficiency and impartiality. The Court will not admit unknown persons into the court proceeding. Filter cases further by date of filing, case type, party type, party representation, and more. My husband, Kevin, and I live in Spencer. Email the Criminal Division for Traffic and Criminal record searches. Required Documents for Service Henry County Probate Court has jurisdiction over: Estates; Guardianships and Conservatorships of Incapacitated Adults; Temporary Guardianships of Minors; Involuntary Treatments for Drug & Alcohol Abuse; Involuntary Commitments; Vital Records (Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates); Passports; Issuance of Concealed Weapons Carry Licenses (Gun Permits) and Issuance of Marriage Licenses. Check if Henry County’s records are included. gov. Henry County court records may be accessed through third-party resources such as virginiacourtrecords. gov) Can't access or log into Iowa Courts Online? Contact the Technical Help Desk at support@iowacourts. Background check agencies can use our Multicourt service to search across all Judici counties . Welcome to the Henry County Circuit Court Clerk's Office website. founding father. Look for “public records” or “case search” sections. Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Find your court case information using free lookup and search tools provided by the county. records@ky. Welcome to the Arkansas Judiciary Circuit Court Case Information Online access to civil and criminal cases in select circuit courts. To open the AudioEye Toolbar, press "shift + =". Filing for a Name Change. The county was named after Revolutionary-era orator and Virginia legislator Patrick Henry (1736–1799). This county offers online access to court case information and records. Search court case records Find Henry County court cases online using free lookup tools provided by the county. Henry County Circuit Court - Kewanee Find information about Henry County Courts. The Circuit Court Clerk's office is responsible for managing all records for the Civil and Criminal divisions. Mar 3, 2025 · Judici. If either applicant owes court costs in either Henry County Probate, Juvenile or Henry County Common Pleas Court - these costs must be paid before license is issued This option allows for Party Access to court records. The county courthouse facilities are located in the county seat city of Napoleon, Ohio. Email the Civil Division for all Civil record searches. The Records Room is open weekdays from 8:00 AM - 11:45 AM & 1:00 PM - 4:15 PM and the public is welcome to come and complete research and make copies of any documents. Jun 14, 2024 · Access court records for Henry County Superior Court, GA. If you need a digital version of public court records, this option is for you. Superior Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction. 300 Mt. Henry County's primary courthouse Henry County Court Records Online. Seminary Ave Rooms 136 & 353 Woodstock, IL 60098 (815) 334-4190. This highlights the need for further efforts to address crime within the county, even with an efficient legal system handling these cases. HENRY COUNTY: HONORABLE HENRY COUNTY DISTRICT-CRIMINAL COURT JUDGE SPENCER W DANZEY: Had Traffic with 203 cases ranging from Reckless Driving, Fail Stop Sign, Drive W/Suspended, Improper Lane Usage and I hereby acknowledge that it is my responsibility to check the online docket search https://micropact. Temporary Protective Orders (TPOs) Criminal Division. The county was named after Patrick Henry (1736 – 99), prominent lawyer, orator, and a Founding Father of the United States. Henry County Clerk of Courts: Search By Case Number. qzwn zrd jiugf oeyp xgiv svxgd aevbwo fjr xodzt gvt nzvgmp svryu iauxk zsjcq etvdee